What is Image Recognition and why is it Used?
In the context of machine
vision, image recognition is the capability of a software to identify people,
places, objects, actions and writing in images. To achieve image recognition,
the computers can utilise machine vision technologies in combination with
artificial intelligence software and a camera.
While it is very easy for
human and animal brains to recognize objects, the computers have difficulty
with the same task. When we look at something like a tree or a car or our
friend, we usually don’t have to study it consciously before we can tell what
it is. However, for a computer, identifying anything(be it a clock, or a chair,
human beings or animals) represents a very difficult problem and the stakes for
finding a solution to that problem are very high.
Image recognition is a
machine learning method and it is designed to resemble the way a human brain
functions. With this method, the computers are taught to recognize the visual
elements within an image. By relying on large databases and noticing emerging
patterns, the computers can make sense of images and formulate relevant tags
and categories.
Application of Image Recognition
mage recognition has
various applications. The most common as well as popular among them is personal
photo organization. Who wouldn’t like to better manage a huge library of photo
memories according to visual topics, from particular objects to wide landscapes?
The user experience of
photo organization applications is being empowered by image recognition. In
addition to providing a photo storage, the apps want to go a step further by
providing people with much better discovery and search functions. They can
attain that with the capabilities of automated image organization provided by
machine learning. The image recognition application programming interface
integrated in the applications classifies the images based on identified
patterns and groups them thematically.
The other applications of
image recognition include stock photography and video websites, interactive
marketing and creative campaigns, face and image recognition on social networks
and image classification for websites with huge visual databases.
Recognition is a Tough Task to Accomplish
Image recognition is not an
easy task to achieve. A good way to think about achieving it is through
applying metadata to unstructured data. Hiring human experts for manually
tagging the libraries of music and movies may be a daunting task but it becomes
highly impossible when it comes to challenges such as teaching the driverless
car’s navigation system to differentiate pedestrians crossing the road from
various other vehicles or filtering, categorizing or tagging millions of videos
and photos uploaded by the users that appear daily on social media.
One way to solve this
problem would be through the utilization of neural networks. We can make use of
conventional neural networks for analyzing images in theory, but in practice,
it will be highly expensive from a computational perspective. Take for example,
a conventional neural network trying to process a small image(let it be 30*30
pixels) would still need 0.5 million parameters and 900 inputs. A reasonably powerful
machine can handle this but once the images become much larger(for example,
500*500 pixels), the number of parameters and inputs needed increases to very
high levels.
There is another problem
associated with the application of neural networks to image recognition:
overfitting. In simple terms, overfitting happens when a model tailors itself
very closely to the data it has been trained on. Generally, this leads to added
parameters(further increasing the computational costs) and model’s exposure to
new data results in a loss in the general performance.
Neural Networks
the way a neural network is structured, a relatively straightforward change can
make even huge images more manageable. The result is what we call as the CNNs
or ConvNets(convolutional neural networks).
The general applicability
of neural networks is one of their advantages, but this advantage turns into a
liability when dealing with images. The convolutional neural networks make a
conscious tradeoff: if a network is designed for specifically handling the
images, some generalizability has to be sacrificed for a much more feasible
If you consider any image,
proximity has a strong relation with similarity in it and convolutional neural
networks specifically take advantage of this fact. This implies, in a given
image, two pixels that are nearer to each other are more likely to be related
than the two pixels that are apart from each other. Nevertheless, in a usual
neural network, every pixel is linked to every single neuron. The added
computational load makes the network less accurate in this case.
By killing a lot of these
less significant connections, convolution solves this problem. In technical
terms, convolutional neural networks make the image processing computationally
manageable through filtering the connections by proximity. In a given layer,
rather than linking every input to every neuron, convolutional neural networks
restrict the connections intentionally so that any one neuron accepts the
inputs only from a small subsection of the layer before it(say like 5*5 or 3*3
pixels). Hence, each neuron is responsible for processing only a certain
portion of an image.(Incidentally, this is almost how the individual cortical
neurons function in your brain. Each neuron responds to only a small portion of
your complete visual field).
Working Process of a Convolutional Neural Network
real input image that is scanned for features. The filter that passes over it
is the light rectangle.The
Activation maps are arranged in a stack on the top of one another, one for each
filter you use. The larger rectangle is 1 patch to be downsampled.
· The
activation maps condensed via downsampling.A
new group of activation maps generated by passing the filters over the stack
that is downsampled first.The
second downsampling – which condenses the second group of activation maps. A
fully connected layer that designates output with 1 label per node.
How does a CNN filter the
connections by proximity? The secret is in the addition of 2 new kinds of
layers: pooling and convolutional layers. We will break the process down below,
utilising the example of a network that is designed to do just one thing, i.e,
to determine whether a picture contains a grandpa or not.
The first step in the
process is convolution layer which in turn has several steps in itself.At
first, we will break down grandpa’s picture into a series of overlapping 3*3
pixel tiles.After
that, we will run each of these tiles via a simple, single-layer neural network
by keeping the weights unaltered. This will change the collection of tiles into
an array. As we kept each of the images small(3*3 in this case), the neural
network needed to process them stays manageable and small.Then,
the output values will be taken and arranged in an array that numerically
represents each area’s content in the photograph, with the axes representing
color, width and height channels. So, for each tile, we would have a 3*3*3
representation in this case. (We would throw in a fourth dimension for time if
we were talking about the videos of grandpa).
The next step is the
pooling layer. It takes these 3 or 4 dimensional arrays and applies a
downsampling function together with spatial dimensions. The result is a pooled
array that contains only the image portions that are important while discarding
the rest, which minimizes the computations that are needed to be done while
also avoiding the overfitting problem.
The downsampled array is
taken and utilized as the regular fully connected neural network’s input. Since
the input’s size has been reduced dramatically using pooling and convolution,
we must now have something that a normal network will be able to handle while
still preserving the most significant portions of data. The final step’s output
will represent how confident the system is that we have the picture of a
In real life, the process
of working of a CNN is convoluted involving numerous hidden, pooling and
convolutional layers. In addition to this, the real CNNs usually involve
hundreds or thousands of labels rather than just a single label.
to Build a Convolutional Neural Network?
Building a CNN from scratch
can be an expensive and time–consuming undertaking. Having said that, a number
of APIs have been developed recently developed that aim to enable the organizations
to glean insights without the need of in-house machine learning or computer
vision expertise.
Cloud Vision
Google Cloud Vision is the
visual recognition API of Google and uses a REST API. It is based on the
open-source TensorFlow framework. It detects the individual faces and objects
and contains a pretty comprehensive label set.
Watson Visual Recognition
IBM Watson Visual
Recognition is a part of the Watson Developer Cloud and comes with a huge set
of built-in classes but is built really for training custom classes based on
the images you supply. It also supports a number of nifty features including
NSFW and OCR detection like Google Cloud Vision.
Clarif.ai is an upstart
image recognition service that also utilizes a REST API. One interesting aspect
regarding Clarif.ai is that it comes with a number of modules that are helpful
in tailoring its algorithm to specific subjects such as food, travel and
While the above APIs are
suitable for few general applications, you might still be better off developing
a custom solution for specific tasks. Fortunately, a number of libraries are
available that make the lives of developers and data scientists a little easier
by dealing with the optimization and computational aspects allowing them to
focus on training models. Many of these libraries including Theano, Torch,
DeepLearning4J and TensorFlow have been successfully used in a wide variety of
Article Written by :
Savaram Ravindra